夢迴 - Crescent Lament X 暴君 專輯聯合巡演

  • 2021/01/09(Sat) 18:00(+0800) ~ 22:00(+0800) ( iCal/Outlook, Google Calendar )
  • 凝聚力展演空間 / 台北市松山區八德路三段106巷1號B1
  • Crescent Lament 、凝聚力音樂娛樂

【夢迴】Crescent Lament X 暴君 ◆ 噤夢 / 島嶼神話

專輯聯合巡演 –《台北場》



2020的最末、到2021的最初,讓 台灣的兩個民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途與 Bloody Tyrant 暴君,和大家一起,探索屬於我們的島嶼神話與二二八歷史。




【夢迴】Crescent Lament X 暴君 噤夢 / 島嶼神話 專輯聯合巡演台北場

時間:2021/01/09 W6
地點:台北 凝聚力展演空間
陣容:Crescent Lament / 暴君 / 奉獻之火

Crescent Lament 恆月三途
台灣民謠金屬樂團Crescent Lament恆月三途,將於2020年底推出第三張專輯 《噤夢》。《噤夢》的故事接續《花殤》,陰差陽錯,成為富商小妾的阿香、與相聚恨晚的戀人明風,各自面對太平洋戰爭後,時局丕變的台灣社會;本以為無緣的兩人,有幸相遇,卻又在命運安排下, 攜手經歷二二八事件的始末,目睹那段比二戰時更加悲慘的血腥歲月。

---- 噤聲的人,無聲的夢 ----


暴君Bloody Tyrant
「活著是為了說故事」 這是台灣作家楊照某本著作書名的一部分,此即《百年孤寂》作者馬奎斯的精神所在。 暴君,台灣少有的民謠金屬團之一,也抱著這個精神,從成團以來即用故事來為身邊的歷史、文化以及與土地的關係做連結。 2020年發行的《Myths of the Islands》更是以台灣原住民神話作為基底,建構出人與土地、與自然的情感。


奉獻之火 Sacrifire
Sacrifire(奉獻之火)於2016年成立於台北,成員為主唱大毛(Mao)、吉他手世勳(Alvin)、吉他手信寬(Alex)、貝斯手阿春(Spring)、鼓手宥宥(ArisYo),音樂風格以旋律死亡金屬(Melodic Death Metal)為主 ; 在這世變日亟的世代,人們不斷的在面臨各種現實的取捨與這社會的挑戰,也總是在接受看似真理的謊言與不是解答的答案,就像Sacrifire裡的一句歌詞一樣「清醒之人只能哀求著」,看似處在混沌時期的人們,該怎麼走接下來的每一步,可能你需要一位領路人一位老者,可能你需要一個奇蹟一個寂靜之地,可能你需要一個新的環境不同的挑戰,又可能你需要的是一個聲音一個蘊含著巨大能量的吶喊。




【Crescent Lament X Bloody Tyrant】2020 Combined Album Tour ◆ Land of Lost Voices / Myths of the Islands – Taipei Concert

Taiwan, our country, our stories.

Crescent Lament and Bloody Tyrant, two folk metal bands of this beautiful island, release their 2020 albums recounting the forgotten, erased stories in Taiwanese history.

From this December, take a ride with us to discover the lost memories of our motherland.
Land of Lost Voices / Myths of the IslandsCombined Album Tour – Taipei Concert

▲ Date: 2021/01/09 W6
▲ Venue:
Cohesion Space, Taipei
▲ Lineup: Crescent Lament / Bloody Tyrant / Sacrifire
▲ More info:
※Band Info※

Crescent Lament 恆月三途

Land of Lost Voices, the latest album of Taiwanese folk metal band – Crescent Lament, is due in December 2020. A sequel to our previous album, the story continues from where “Elegy for the Blossoms” left off: the unfinished romance between A-hiong and her lover. Using the red thread of fate that binds the star-crossed lovers, this concept album fishes out from the river of time a heartrending tale of Taiwanese people—for all to see.

Land of Lost Voices was recorded by Chthonic’s guitarist Jesse Liu (also acted as the producer of the album), and was mixed by the Sweetspot Studio in Sweden and mastered by Finnvox Studios in Finland. The band collaborated with Bu-hiông, the winner of Best Lyrics of Golden Melody Awards, in writing the Taiwanese lyrics, and invited the illustrator KCN again to design a noir yet oriental album cover, a visual metaphor for a series of historical tragedies that battered Taiwan in the post-WWII era.


Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/crescentlament

Official Website:https://crescentlament.wixsite.com/home

暴君Bloody Tyrant
Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/BloodyTyrantTW

奉獻之火 Sacrifire
Sacrifire was founded in Taipei in 2016, with members singing Mao and guitarist Alvin, guitarist Alex, bassist Spring, drummer ArisYo, music style mainly melodic Death Metal; in this generation of people changing, people continue in the face of various realities and the challenges of this society, it is always accepting lies and not like the truth.

Just like the lyrics in Sacrifire, “the awake person can only plead”, look like people who are in a chaotic period, how to take each step, maybe you need a leader, a old man, maybe you need a miracle, a quiet place, maybe you need a new environment, different challenge, maybe you need is a voice, a cry of great energy.

The content of the creation is mostly based on the inspiring story, a large number of beautiful melodies, very aggressive phrases and rich rhythm changes, portraying the inner struggles and imaginative spiritual spaces Sacrifire wants to express.

Facebook Fan Page:https://www.facebook.com/sacrifireTW

凝聚力展演空間 / 台北市松山區八德路三段106巷1號B1

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2020/10/26 19:00(+0800) ~ 2021/01/08 23:10(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$500
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